Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tabla, Jazz, Playing w/ Meeta, and Too Much Rain!


I keep hearing this rumor that Washtenaw County is going wireless in 07'. The rumor has kept me from persuing an internet provider at my house, so blogging has been a bit out of reach since moving to Ann Arbor. I am now sitting at Oz's Music, which is just 6 blocks from my house, but seems like a long way when it is pouring rain outside for the 5th consecutive day. I have been busy organizing things for the summer, and doing lots of music in the meantime.
Since Harshad left I have played twice for the Center for South Asian Studies at the U of M. One was a 3 hour show at McComb Commmunity College that consisted of myself and Dan Piccolo as a tabla duet. There were supposedly 3 other musicians coming, but plans were not clear, so it ended up as the tabla show. It was fun, and the organizers were happy, but I am not sure what the audience was thinking. It wasn't so bad because we were in a cafeteria, so the audience kept changing. It was good practice for Dan and I. He is now on a U.S. tour as the drummer in the up and coming band NOMO, so keep an eye out.
The second gig was at Tappan Middle School in A2. I got the time wrong and showed up 20 minutes late, but just in time to play and show the tabla to about 20 middle school students. It was short and sweet.
On Friday the 5th I played the regular gig at Cafe Felix with Deep Blue, but this time something was different. They remodeled the area where we set up, so the band was now visible to about 5 more tables...Yeah! We were always tucked in this wierd spot in the Cafe where it was difficult to see and even more difficult to get the sound right. Now it feels much more natural and people will be able to see the band. I look forward to more gigs.
The only other show I've had is with Meeta at the Environmental Protection Agency in Ann Arbor. We played a lunchtime concert and talked about the music with the audience. Meeta knows a lot of the employees there, so it was a fun show to play. I even brought the camera...

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